Networking (Part 1)-Transmission Modes

Networking (Part 1)-Transmission Modes


The term hardware is used to refer to the physical Components of any electronic devices such as the CPU, Peripheral Devices and it's memory.

-> It is the physical Unit of a device.

-> It is Complete Unit or Device.

-> It can be changed after product.

-> It is the body of the device.

Eg: Keyboard, remote, speakers, PCB , Motherboard

Hardware cannot operate without a firmware.


Firmware is a set of instructions or programs written in Machine Language which are used to operate Hardware.

-> It is stored in Hardware.

-> It cannot be or hardly changed after production.

->It is the heart of the device.

Eg: PC BIOS, Timing and Control Mechanism of Washing Machine, TV Program and remote.

A firmware operate on a Hardware.

Note: BIOS is only appropriate for referring to the start up firmware of the Motherboard itself.


A collection of instructions that tells the computer how to perform a particular task. It is of two types: software and Application.

-> Software is generally stored in User accessible Memory.

->Software is Changed constantly.

->Software can be very big while firmware are usually small.

Example: Operating System, MS office, Google Chrome etc.

Transmission Modes:

Transmission means transferring of data between two devices.

There are three types of Transmission Modes- Simple, Half Duplex and Full Duplex

Simple Duplex:

In Simple Duplex, Communication is Unidirectional. Only one device a link can transmit, the other can only receive.

Example: Keyboard, FM Receives etc

simple duplex.png

Half Duplex:

Each Station can both transmit and receive, but not at the same time, When one device is sending,the other can only receive and vice-versa.

Example: Walkie-Talkie etc

half duplex.png

Full Duplex Mode:

Both station can transmit and receives simultaneously capacity of the link is shared among two.

Example: Telephone etc

full duplex.png

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